torsdag 16. oktober 2014

Climate Change

This is a guest lecture by Therese Håkonsen Karlseng held as part of the course Media and Politics in the fall semester 2013. Since completing her thesis on German Climate Policy, Therese has worked with energy and environmental issues as a strategic advisor to the Hedmark County Council, political advisor in the Norwegian Parliament, as well as having worked in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.

Goals of learning
  • What is a climate sceptic or - denier?
  • How is climate change communicated through the media?
  • How do you explain that substantial parts of the public opinion do not prioritize the climate change issue?
  • Why is the international political system perhaps inappropriate for handling the climate issue?

You can watch Therese presenting the county climate report here on Norwegian broadcasting or browse through her presentation from the lecture below.

Usefuk links

YouTube Playlist