onsdag 1. august 2018

Conference presentations

Below you can view a selection of recent presentations from conferences and public events.

Cultures of Anarchy. Images of Russia during the Ukraine Crisis

Spaces of War, War of Spaces, May 22nd-23rd 2018, Accademia Europea Di Firenze, Florence, Italy. 

Politics and film: Escapism or education?

ECPR General Conference, Oslo 6.-9. September 2017

Challenges of the New Media Ecology during the Ebola-crisis

IAMCR Conference in Cartagena, Colombia, July 16-20, 2017. 


SAIH Lillehammer, 13. November 2015

Nye former for politisk kommunikasjon

Forskningsdagene Lillehammer, September 2014

Kampen om vann

Forskningsdagene Lillehammer, 24. september 2013

Dilemmas of the Documentary Maker as Witness

Paper and presentation at the Media, War & Conflict Conference Anniversary Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London 11. April 2013. 

Institutions adaptating to new media technology. Norwegian parties and the Internet. 

IAMCR-conference 2012; Durban July 15-19.

Norwegian nationalist parties on Web 2.0.

Paper for ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, August 2011. 

The Hadia Story: Digital Storytelling in Election Campaigns. 

Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS); Guangzho 18.-20.6.