Fotball er dessverre også gjenstand for politisk manipulasjon, hat og vold. Et eksempel er Midtøsten, med striden rundt det kommende verdensmesterskapet i Qatar 2022 World Cup, den ekstreme fotballvolden i Egypt og det iranske regimets angivelige bruk av landslaget for å fremme sin egen agenda. Se og hør James M. Dorsey snakke om fotball og politikk i Midtøsten i videoen under. Washington Institute.
Se forøvrig under for en liten bibliografi om fotball og internasjonale relasjoner, inklusive et eget nettsted dedikert til temaet.
- Engler, S. (2014, July 14). Germany’s Nervous, Totally Ambivalent Reaction to Its World Cup Win. Foreign Policy Blogs.
- Foreign Policy. (2014). World Cup. Foreign Policy.
- Foer, F. (2004). How soccer explains the world. HarperCollins.
- Soccer Politics / The Politics of Football.
- Dedovic, E. (2013, October 14). The Bosnian national football team: a case study in post-conflict institution building. openDemocracy.
- Djordjevic, I. (2013, July 16). “Red Star Serbia, never Yugoslavia!” Football, politics and national identity in Serbia. openDemocracy.
Giulianotti, R., & Robertson, R. (2004). The globalization of football: a study in the glocalization of the’serious life’. The British
Journal of Sociology, 55(4), 545–568.
- Poli, R. (2010). Understanding globalization through football: The new international division of labour, migratory channels and transnational trade circuits. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 45(4), 491–506.
- Giulianotti, R., & Robertson, R. (2009). Globalization and Football. SAGE.
- Giulianotti, R., & Robertson, R. (2007). Recovering the social: globalization, football and transnationalism. Global Networks, 7(2), 166–186.
- Wen, T. (2014, July 14). A Sociological History of Soccer Violence. The Atlantic.