Cappelen Akademisk released a book on International Relations in 2010, co-written with Ole Gunnar Austvik and Heidrun Sørlie Røhr. In Norwegian only, sorry about that. It has been reviewed well and sold well and is already in its first reprint after a year. The reviewer in the leading Norwegian journal for international relations (Internasjonal politikk) concluded a long and positive review with what can be translated as:
Kalnes, Austvik og Røhr make life easier for Norwegian students meeting IR for the first time. The book may be even more useful for more experienced students wondering about what texts to read to write a good paper for their Bachelor degree. En akkurat passe lang introduksjon til Internasjonale relasjoner is a good place to start the search.
There are also a number of web resources dedicated to the book. is the main site, supported by a YouTube channel dedicated to IR with videos organized along the chapters of the book