fredag 26. september 2014

Nye former for politisk kommunikasjon på Forskningsdagene

Da er heftige Forskningsdager - midt oppe i vanlig kurs - over for mitt vedkommende. Bare en kort oppsummering her.

Kronikk om Nye former for politisk kommunikasjon
Resultatet er blant annet en kronikk publisert 23. september i GD om Nye former for politisk kommunikasjon skrevet sammen med kollega professor Jon Helge Lesjø.  Vi la også ut en multimedial utdyping av kronikken vår. Den kan du se rett under her:

Arrangement om temaet
Jon Helge og jeg stod også bak et arrangement om temaet, avholdt 24. september på Lillehammer Litteraturhus. Ved siden av våre egne foredrag bidrog også Halvard Grotli (politisk redaktør i GD),  Sunniva Ihle Steinstad (kommunikasjonssjef i Høyre) og Aksel Hagen (tidligere stortingsrepresentant, SV) med inviterte kommentarer. Det kom også interessante innspill, spørsmål og kommentarer fra salen.

Foredrag om Nye sosiale medier
En lett modifisert versjon av foredraget mitt om "Nye sosiale medier" som ble holdt på ovennevnte arrangemen kan du se her eller rett under.

torsdag 25. september 2014

3.2. Terrorism

Goals of learning from this lesson:
  • What is terrorism?
  • How do you differentiate between "old" and "new" forms of terrorism?
  • Why is the relation between mainstream media and terrorists sometimes regarded as symbiotic?
  • What is radicalization and how can terrorist groups create their own media systems to achieve this?

The lecture

Browse through the latest lecture presentation in BA-Course at Lillehammer College.

The literature:
Seib, P. M., & Janbek, D. M. (2011). Communicating Terror. 21p. *
Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 8. 16p.
Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 7. 18p.

Watch relevant videos

Aspen Ideas Festival: The Media's Role in Covering Terrorism

Glenn Greenwald: Norway Attacks Expose U.S. Media's Double Standard On "Terrorism"

Terror and social media

More from the YouTube playlist

Useful links
Info on Al-Shabaab.

tirsdag 23. september 2014

3.1. War

Goals of learning from this lesson:
  • What is "media management" in war?
  • How are the development of media vectors influencing the mediation of war?
  • How do you explain national media's tendency for patrioting reporting?
  • Why may new media contribute to diffused wars?
  • When can we say wars have legitimacy among citizens?

The lecture

Browse through the lecture on War, which is part of my BA-course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College.

The literature:
  • Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 7 & 9. 70p.
  • Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 6. 18p.

Watch relevant videos
Philip Seib: Digital Diplomacy

Edward Snowden and the NSA leaks

 Dexter Filkins: Tales From the Front Lines (Reporting From Iraq and Afghanistan)

Watch more from the YouTube playlist here

Useful links

torsdag 18. september 2014

2.4. Empowerment

Goals of learning from this lesson
  • What is the media's role in maintaining or changing power relationships?
  • How is gender constructed through the media?
  • Why can the internet be regarded as "helpful" for political participation and protest?
  • When might the internet be harmful for democracy?

The lecture

Browse through lecture from course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer College.

The literature
  • Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chap. 11. 22p.
  • Curran, J. et al. (2012). Misunderstanding the Internet. Chap. 5-6. 45 p.
  • Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 9. 19p.
  • Shirky, C. (2011). The Political Power of Social Media. 13p.*

Watch relevant videos

Clay Shirky - Here Comes Everybody

Evgeny Morozov: To Save Everything Click Here

Ethan Zuckerman: Cute Cats and the Arab Spring

Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out

Watch more on the YouTube playlist

Useful links

The Internet Debate
 You might also want to have a look on classic writings:

The Arab Spring and the Media

Gender and empowerment

tirsdag 16. september 2014

2.3. Hate and conspiracy

Goals of learning from this lesson
  • What are "media templates"?
  • How are genocides pre- and post mediated?
  • How do you de recognize a genocide?
  • Why are conspiracy theories so hard to kill?
  • When is it reasonable to talk about "conspiracy cultures"?

The lecture

This lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.


The literature: 
  • Aupers, S. (2012). “Trust No One”: Modernization, Paranoia and Conspiracy Culture. 12p. *
  • Arnold, G. B. (2008). Belief and Disbelief. 14p. *
  • Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 5. 17p.
  • Sunstein, C. R., & Vermeule, A. (2009). Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures. 25p

Watch relevant videos

Karen Douglas On Conspiracy Theories

The Milgram Experiment

Daniel Goldhagen's "Genocide - Worse than War"

Watch more on the YouTube playlist

Useful links

torsdag 11. september 2014

2.2. The Public Sphere

Goals of learning from this lesson
  • What is a public sphere?
  • How are imagined communities - such as nations - affected by the mass media?
  • How do you explain that audiences may be transformed into pro-sumers/prod-users by internet technology?
  • Why is there a division between centripetal and centrifugal media?
  • When can the internet be regarded as contributing to centrifugality?

The lecture

This lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.

The literature:
Curran, J. et al. (2012). Misunderstanding the Internet. Chap. 2, 4. 68p.
Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chapter 9. 18p.

Watch relevant videos

Habermas' Public Sphere

Yochai Benkler on Truthiness and the Networked Public Sphere

Eli Pariser - The Filter Bubble: What The Internet Is Hiding From You

Watch more on the YouTube playlist

Useful links

tirsdag 9. september 2014

2.1. Representative Democracy

Goals of learning from this lesson:
  • What is the role of the media in elections?
  • How are different political contexts in different countries influencing this role?
  • How do you explain voting behavior through differentiating between long term and short term factors?
  • Why might new media and the internet influence campaigning?

The lecture

Browse through the presentation from my BA-course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer College.

The literature: 
  • Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 5 & 8. 43p.
  • Aardal, B., & Waldahl, R. (2004). Political cleavages in a media-driven environment. 27p. *

Watch relevant videos

Justin Lewis: Constructing Public Opinion

Jesper Strömbäck: Den medialiserade valrörelsen

Beppe Grillo and the Five Stars Political Movement

Watch more on the YouTube playlist

Useful links

torsdag 4. september 2014

1.4. The audience

Goals of learning from this lesson:
  • What is "the propaganda thesis?
  • How are opinion leaders siuated in the flow of information?
  • How do you explain correlation between use of media and personal attitudes/behaviour?
  • Why does the audience's reading of media texts sometimes deviate from the preferred reading?
  • When is it reasonable to describe audiences as active, creative and productive?

The lecture

Fifth lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.

The Literature: 
  • Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chap. 5. 18p.
  • Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 4. 24p.

Relevant videos to watch

Stuart Hall - Representation & The Media. Go here for Part II | Part Three | Part Four

 Michael Wesch: An anthropological introduction to YouTube

Cory Doctorow: Rethinking Property Rights in the Digital Age

Watch more on the YouTube playlist

Useful links

tirsdag 2. september 2014

1.3. Witnessing and Memory

Goals of learning
  • What is gatekeeping and agenda setting?
  • How are the media making us all witnesses?
  • How do you explain that war is fought thgrough the memory of warfare?
  • Why may journalism be a demanding - or even dangerous - profession?
  • When can we say a story or event fullfills the shared news values necessary to get coverage?

The lecture

Browse through the lecture presentation below.

The literature
  • Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chap. 7. 23p.
  • Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 4 & 6. 41 p.
  • Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 3. 15p.

Watch relevant videos

Israeli Soldiers Talk Openly On Operation Cast Lead

Janine di Giovanni: What I saw in the war

Tiananmen's Legacy of State-Sponsored Amnesia

Watch more on the YouTube playlist

Useful links


Video playlist