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Kronikk om Nye former for politisk kommunikasjon
Resultatet er blant annet en kronikk publisert 23. september i GD om Nye former for politisk kommunikasjon skrevet sammen med kollega professor Jon Helge Lesjø. Vi la også ut en multimedial utdyping av kronikken vår. Den kan du se rett under her:
Arrangement om temaet
Jon Helge og jeg stod også bak et arrangement om temaet, avholdt 24. september på Lillehammer Litteraturhus. Ved siden av våre egne foredrag bidrog også Halvard Grotli (politisk redaktør i GD), Sunniva Ihle Steinstad (kommunikasjonssjef i Høyre) og Aksel Hagen (tidligere stortingsrepresentant, SV) med inviterte kommentarer. Det kom også interessante innspill, spørsmål og kommentarer fra salen.
Foredrag om Nye sosiale medier
En lett modifisert versjon av foredraget mitt om "Nye sosiale medier" som ble holdt på ovennevnte arrangemen kan du se her eller rett under.
Comparative and international
fredag 26. september 2014
torsdag 25. september 2014
3.2. Terrorism
Goals of learning from this lesson:
The lecture
Browse through the latest lecture presentation in BA-Course at Lillehammer College.
The literature:
Watch relevant videos
Aspen Ideas Festival: The Media's Role in Covering Terrorism
More from the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- What is terrorism?
- How do you differentiate between "old" and "new" forms of terrorism?
- Why is the relation between mainstream media and terrorists sometimes regarded as symbiotic?
- What is radicalization and how can terrorist groups create their own media systems to achieve this?
The lecture
Browse through the latest lecture presentation in BA-Course at Lillehammer College.
The literature:
Seib, P. M., & Janbek, D. M. (2011). Communicating Terror. 21p. *
Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 8. 16p.
Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 7. 18p.
Watch relevant videos
Aspen Ideas Festival: The Media's Role in Covering Terrorism
Glenn Greenwald: Norway Attacks Expose U.S. Media's Double Standard On "Terrorism"
Terror and social media
More from the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- Boggs, C., & Pollard, T. (2006). Hollywood and the Spectacle of Terrorism. New Political Science, 28(3), 335–351.
- Busch, T. (2013, May 14). How Twitter Is Messing With Al-Qaeda’s Careful PR Machine. The Atlantic.
- Carter, S., & Dodds, K. (2011). Hollywood and the “war on terror”: genre-geopolitics and “Jacksonianism” in The Kingdom. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29(1), 98 – 113.
- Falkenrath, R. A. (2012, December 14). The Holes in “Homeland.” Foreign Affairs.
- Kamin, D. (2013, April). “Homeland” in the Holy Land. Foreign Policy.
- Keating, J. E. (2012, November 23). Homeland Insecurity. Foreign Policy.
- Terrorism and the Press.
- Motlagh, J. (2009, May 3). Why the Taliban Is Winning the Propaganda War. Time.
- Nieuwenhuis, M. (2013, February 7). The enemy within: the new antagonists in Hollywood. openDemocracy.
- Seib, P. M., & Janbek, D. M. (2011). Global Terrorism and New Media: The Post-Al Qaeda Generation. Taylor & Francis.
- Terrorism Movies at the Box Office - Box Office Mojo.
- Hoffman, B. (2012, December 18). Spoiler Alert. Foreign Policy.
- Jensen, C. (2010, June 12). Velkommen til Armadillo. Ekkofilm.
- Jyllandsposten. (2010, May 16). “Armadillo”: Den vigtigste danske dokumentar. Jyllandsposten.
- Marthinsen, T. J. R. (2010, August 18). Velkommen til «Armadillo».
- Stanford University. (2013, September 29). Al-Shabab. Mapping Militant Organizations.
- Masters, J. (2013, July 9). Al-Shabaab. Council on Foreign Relations.
- Bruton, B., & Pham, J. P. (2012, February 2). The Splintering of Al Shabaab. Foreign Affairs.
- Anzalone, C. (2011). Who are Somalia’s “al-Shabab?” openDemocracy.
- Anzalone, C. (2011, November 16). The rapid evolution of Al-Shabab’s media and insurgent “journalism.” openDemocracy.
- Wise, R. (2011). Al-Shabaab. Center for Strategic and International Studies.
tirsdag 23. september 2014
3.1. War
Goals of learning from this lesson:
The lecture
Browse through the lecture on War, which is part of my BA-course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College.
The literature:
Watch relevant videos
Philip Seib: Digital Diplomacy
Edward Snowden and the NSA leaks
Dexter Filkins: Tales From the Front Lines (Reporting From Iraq and Afghanistan)
Watch more from the YouTube playlist here
Useful links
- What is "media management" in war?
- How are the development of media vectors influencing the mediation of war?
- How do you explain national media's tendency for patrioting reporting?
- Why may new media contribute to diffused wars?
- When can we say wars have legitimacy among citizens?
The lecture
Browse through the lecture on War, which is part of my BA-course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College.
The literature:
- Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 7 & 9. 70p.
- Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 6. 18p.
Watch relevant videos
Philip Seib: Digital Diplomacy
Edward Snowden and the NSA leaks
Dexter Filkins: Tales From the Front Lines (Reporting From Iraq and Afghanistan)
Watch more from the YouTube playlist here
Useful links
- Cheng, D. (n.d.). Winning Without Fighting: The Chinese Psychological Warfare Challenge. The Heritage Foundation.
- Democracy Now. (2013, January 22). Dirty Wars: Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley’s New Film Exposes Hidden Truths of Covert U.S. Warfare. Democracy Now!
- Keating, J. E. (2013, February 22). Does Hollywood Have a Foreign Policy? Foreign Policy.
- Seitz-Wald, A. (2013, September 13). The Public Relations Firm Straight Out of a John Grisham Novel. The Atlantic.
- Nye Jr, J. S. (2013, September 9). The Mouse Click that Roared. Project Syndicate.
- Cohen, M. (2002). How Bush Sr. Sold the Gulf War. Counterpunch, (Weekend Edition December 28.-30).
- Cull, N. J. (2006). “The Perfect War”: US Public Diplomacy and International Broadcasting During Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 1990/1991. Arab Media & Society, (Fall).
- New York Times. (1992, January 15). Deception on Capitol Hill. New York Times.
- Caryl, C. (2013, September 5). Just Show It. Foreign Policy.
- Friedersdorf, C. (2013, September 3). The Press and the Syria Debate: Neither Neutral Nor Balanced. The Atlantic.
- Garber, M. (2013, September 5). Assad’s Bizarre Instagram Account: Propaganda With a Comments Section. The Atlantic.
- Kirchick, J. (2013, September 13). Public Editing Putin. Foreign Policy.
- Tepperman, J. (2013, September 8). Weighing War, Peace and Polls. The New York Times.
- Putin, V. V. (2013, September 11). A Plea for Caution From Russia. The New York Times.
- Smith, R. (2013, September 16). A complicated relationship: Libya, Syria and the international press. openDemocracy.
- Suri, J. (2013, September 16). Offensive Charm. Foreign Affairs.
- Trenin, D. (2013, September 13). The West Just Doesn’t Get Putin. Bloomberg. Retrieved September 14, 2013, from
- Mohan, A. V. (2013, September 16). Journalism in Syria is fast becoming a one-way ticket to death. openDemocracy.
torsdag 18. september 2014
2.4. Empowerment
Goals of learning from this lesson
The lecture
Browse through lecture from course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer College.
The literature
Watch relevant videos
Clay Shirky - Here Comes Everybody
Evgeny Morozov: To Save Everything Click Here
Ethan Zuckerman: Cute Cats and the Arab Spring
Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
The Internet Debate
The Arab Spring and the Media
Gender and empowerment
- What is the media's role in maintaining or changing power relationships?
- How is gender constructed through the media?
- Why can the internet be regarded as "helpful" for political participation and protest?
- When might the internet be harmful for democracy?
The lecture
Browse through lecture from course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer College.
The literature
- Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chap. 11. 22p.
- Curran, J. et al. (2012). Misunderstanding the Internet. Chap. 5-6. 45 p.
- Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 9. 19p.
- Shirky, C. (2011). The Political Power of Social Media. 13p.*
Watch relevant videos
Clay Shirky - Here Comes Everybody
Evgeny Morozov: To Save Everything Click Here
Ethan Zuckerman: Cute Cats and the Arab Spring
Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
The Internet Debate
- Nye Jr, J. S. (2011, February 2). The Reality of Virtual Power. Project Syndicate.
- Lovink, G. (2013, April 23). Evgeny Morozov attacks internet consensus single-handed. openDemocracy.
- Morozov, E. (2009a). Texting toward utopia: Does the Internet spread democracy. Boston Review.
- Morozov, E. (2010). Think Again: The Internet. Foreign Policy, May/June 2010.
- Morozov, Evgeny. (2009a). How dictators watch us on the web. Prospect.
- Morozov, Evgeny. (2009b, September 5). From slacktivism to activism. Foreign Policy Blogs.
- Morozov, Evgeny. (2011c, August 13). Repressing the Internet, Western-Style. Wall Street Journal.
- Morozov, Evgeny. (2011d, September 1). Political Repression 2.0. The New York Times.
- Meier, P. (2011). Do “liberation Technologies” Change the Balance of Power Between Repressive States and Civil Society. The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.
- Williamson, A. (2011). Disruption and Empowerment.
- Poole, S. (2012, June 12). Invasion of the cyber hustlers. New Statesman.
- Shirky, Clay. (2009, November 12). The net advantage. Prospect.
- Wasik, B. (2011, December 27). Gladwell vs. Shirky: A Year Later, Scoring the Debate Over Social-Media Revolutions. Wired.com.
- Doctorow, C. (2011, January 25). We need a serious critique of net activism. the Guardian.
- Doctorow, C. (2012, January 3). The internet is the best place for dissent to start. the Guardian.
- Zuckerman, E. (2013b, April 29). Who’s Afraid of Cyberoptimism? Foreign Policy.
- Zuckerman, E. (2013c, October 7). Surveillance, sousveillance and PRISM – an op-ed for Die Zeit.
- Gladwell, M. (2010, April 10). Small change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted. The New Yorker.
- Wells, H. G. (1937). World brain.
- Bentham, J. (1995). The panopticon writings.
- See the following for comments about the Panopticon on the Internet: Farinosi, M. (2011). Deconstructing Bentham’s Panopticon: The New Metaphors of Surveillance in the Web 2.0 Environment.
The Arab Spring and the Media
- Bachrach, J. (2011). WikiHistory: Did the Leaks Inspire the Arab Spring? World Affairs Journal.
- Chatriwala, O. (2011, September 19). What Wikileaks Tells Us About Al Jazeera. Foreign Policy.
- Fukuyama, F. (2012, May 21). The Failures of the Facebook Generation in the Arab Spring. The Daily Beast.
- Gause, F. G., & Iii. (2012, December 31). The Year the Arab Spring Went Bad. Foreign Policy.
- Jones, S. G. (2013, July 21). The Enduring Mirage of the Arab Spring. Foreign Affairs.
- Morozov, Evgeny. (2011b, March 27). Internet alone cannot free the Middle East. Financial Times.
- Lindgren, S. (2013). The Potential and Limitations of Twitter Activism: Mapping the 2011 Libyan Uprising. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 11(1), 207–220.
- Lindsay, R. A. (2013). What the Arab Spring Tells Us About the Future of Social Media in Revolutionary Movements. Small Wars Journal.
- Pollock, J. (2011). Streetbook. Technology Review, (September/October).
- Waters, T. J. (2012). Social Media and the Arab Spring. Small Wars Journal.
- Wilkens, R. (2012). Mannheim’s Paradox: Ideology, Utopia, Media Technologies, and the Arab Spring. Fibreculture Journal, (20).
Gender and empowerment
- Ackerman, S. (2012, August 3). Making Punk a Threat Again. Foreign Policy.
- Fedotova, Y. (2012, May 30). Why are Pussy Riot girls still in prison? openDemocracy.
- Free Pussy Riot!
- Homans, C. (2012, August 3). You Say You Want a Revolution. Foreign Policy.
- Ioffe, J. (2012, June 8). Pussy Riot v. Putin: A Front Row Seat at a Russian Dark Comedy. The New Republic.
- McVeigh, T. (2013, June 1). Meet the new wave of activists making feminism thrive in a digital age. The Guardian.
- Brenner, M. (2013, April 1). The Target. Vanity Fair, (April). About Malala
- Manchanda, N. (2012, July 11). Out of nowhere? The Taliban and Malala. openDemocracy.
- Bigg, C. (2013, July 16). France Puts Femen’s Face on Its Stamps. The Atlantic.
- Kolsy, U. (2013, May 6). Put Your Shirts Back On: Why Femen Is Wrong. The Atlantic.
- Mustafa, N. (2013, April 8). Put Your Shirts Back On, Ladies. Foreign Policy.
- Tayler, J. (2013a, April 8). Subject of Femen’s Topless Jihad Questions the Group’s Tactics. The Atlantic.
- Tayler, J. (2013b, May 1). Topless Jihad: Why Femen Is Right. The Atlantic.
tirsdag 16. september 2014
2.3. Hate and conspiracy
Goals of learning from this lesson
- What are "media templates"?
- How are genocides pre- and post mediated?
- How do you de recognize a genocide?
- Why are conspiracy theories so hard to kill?
- When is it reasonable to talk about "conspiracy cultures"?
The lecture
This lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.
The literature:
- Aupers, S. (2012). “Trust No One”: Modernization, Paranoia and Conspiracy Culture. 12p. *
- Arnold, G. B. (2008). Belief and Disbelief. 14p. *
- Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 5. 17p.
- Sunstein, C. R., & Vermeule, A. (2009). Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures. 25p
Watch relevant videos
Karen Douglas On Conspiracy Theories
The Milgram Experiment
Daniel Goldhagen's "Genocide - Worse than War"
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- Douglas, K. (2013, April 19). Boston and Waco conspiracy theories are inevitable. The Guardian.
- Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!
- Anderson, S. (2013, August 8). Conspiracy Theories: the One Thing Everyone in Lebanon Has in Common. The Atlantic.
- Arnold, G. B. (2008). Conspiracy theory in film, television, and politics. Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. (2013). Hotel Rwanda. Carnegie Council.
- Chapman, R. (2010). Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices. M.E. Sharpe.
- Coady, D. A. (2010). Jesse Ventura Takes the Soaring Interest in Conspiracy Theory to TV.
- Conspiracy Theory On truTV.
- De Graaf, B., va der Heide, L., Wanmaker, S., & Weggemans, D. (2013). The Anders Behring Breivik Trial: Performing Justice, Defending Democracy. International Centre for Counter-Terrorism.
- Kahlke, R. (2007). Understanding Genocide?: Western Cinematic Depictions of Rwanda and Bosnia. Politics and Culture, (2).
- Leurs, R. (2013). “ War crimes’ are defined by the winners. I”m a winner.’. FlowTV, 18(6).
- McDonnell, D. A., & Cantrell, M. A. (2013, June 6). 5 Conspiracy Theories That Are Shockingly Easy to Debunk. Cracked.com.
- One, C. (n.d.). The 9/11 Truth Movement: The Top Conspiracy Theory, a Decade Later.
- Powell, E. (1968, April 20). Rivers of Blood Speech.
- Schwartzstein, P. (2013, September 12). Egypt’s Latest Conspiracy Theories Target the Country’s Syrian Refugees. The Atlantic.
- Ghosts of Rwanda - When PBS Frontline made a documentary about the genocide they also made some excellent pages with extra resources.
- BBC's pages on Rwanda
- The use of Propaganda in the Rwanda Genocide - Masters thesis by H.L. Gulseth.
torsdag 11. september 2014
2.2. The Public Sphere
Goals of learning from this lesson
The lecture
This lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.
The literature:
Curran, J. et al. (2012). Misunderstanding the Internet. Chap. 2, 4. 68p.
Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chapter 9. 18p.
Watch relevant videos
Habermas' Public Sphere
Yochai Benkler on Truthiness and the Networked Public Sphere
Eli Pariser - The Filter Bubble: What The Internet Is Hiding From You
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- What is a public sphere?
- How are imagined communities - such as nations - affected by the mass media?
- How do you explain that audiences may be transformed into pro-sumers/prod-users by internet technology?
- Why is there a division between centripetal and centrifugal media?
- When can the internet be regarded as contributing to centrifugality?
The lecture
This lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.
The literature:
Curran, J. et al. (2012). Misunderstanding the Internet. Chap. 2, 4. 68p.
Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chapter 9. 18p.
Watch relevant videos
Habermas' Public Sphere
Yochai Benkler on Truthiness and the Networked Public Sphere
Eli Pariser - The Filter Bubble: What The Internet Is Hiding From You
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined communities: reflections on the origin and spread of nationalism. London: Verso.
- Gellner, E. (1983). Nations and nationalism. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Standage, T. (2013, June 22). Social Networking in the 1600s. The New York Times.
- Green, M. (2013). The Lost World of the London Coffeehouse. The Public Domain Review.
- Clinton, H. (2010, January 21). Remarks on Internet Freedom. U.S. Department of State. Both transcript and video of her speech is included.
- Jared Cohen: The Engine of Freedom. Google's Jared Cohen is one of the premier optimists about the internet's ability to create a free public sphere.
- Or check the sobering statistics from Freedom House and World Press Trends and the Economist's piece on A virtual counter-revolution.
- Tim Berners-Lee: Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality.
- David Hardake: How TV and the Internet are Changing Arab Politics. Full lecture on video.
- Gauntlett, D. (2008). Wikipedia explained. Theory.org.uk.
- Stanger, J. (2011, December 8). The “Digital Public Sphere” and the “Indifference of 25 Year Olds”. Center for Digital Information.
- Rasan, I. (2014, June 6). Graffiti: a new form of expression on the walls of Cairo.
- Tiezzi, S. (2014, August 20). China’s Quest to Build an “Influential and Credible” Media.
- Calhoun, C. J. (Ed.). (1992). Habermas and the Public Sphere. MIT Press.
- Dahlberg, L. (2001). Extending the public sphere through cyberspace. First Monday, (3)
- Etling, B., Roberts, H., & Faris, R. (2014). Blogs as an Alternative Public Sphere: The Role of Blogs, Mainstream Media, and TV in Russia’s Media Ecology (SSRN Scholarly Paper No. ID 2427932). Rochester, NY: Berkman Center for Internet & Society
- Ichijo, A. (2013, June 17). The durability of nations and nationalism.
- Eriksen, T. H. (2006). Nations in cyberspace. ASEN conference, London School of Economics
- Karner, C. (2013, May 3). From collective myth to counterpublics: negotiating national identity in an age of global flows.
- Etling, B., Society, H. L. S. B. C. for I. and, & Project, I. & D. (2009). Mapping the Arabic Blogosphere: Politics, Culture, and Dissent. Internet & Democracy Project, Berkman Center for Internet & Society.
- Farrell, H., & Sides, J. (2010). Building a Political Science Public Sphere with Blogs. The Forum, 8, 10.
- Fuchs, C. (2014). Social Media and the Public Sphere. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 12(1), 57–101.
- Geiger, R. S. (2009). Does Habermas Understand the Internet? The Algorithmic Construction of the Blogo/Public Sphere. Gnovis, 10(1).
- Habermas, J., Lennox, S., & Lennox, F. (1974). The public sphere: An encyclopedia article (1964). New German Critique, (3), 49–55.
- Johannessen, M. R., & Følstad, A. (2014). Political Social Media sites as Public Sphere: A Case Study of the Norwegian Labour Party.
- Kellner, D. (2001). Techno-politics, new technologies, and the new public Spheres. Illuminations, January.
- Stray, J. (2011, November 29). What should the digital public sphere do?
- Valtysson, B. (2012). Facebook as a Digital Public Sphere: Processes of Colonization and Emancipation. tripleC - Cognition, Communication, Co-Operation, 10(1), 77–91.
tirsdag 9. september 2014
2.1. Representative Democracy
Goals of learning from this lesson:
The lecture
Browse through the presentation from my BA-course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer College.
The literature:
Watch relevant videos
Justin Lewis: Constructing Public Opinion
Jesper Strömbäck: Den medialiserade valrörelsen
Beppe Grillo and the Five Stars Political Movement
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- What is the role of the media in elections?
- How are different political contexts in different countries influencing this role?
- How do you explain voting behavior through differentiating between long term and short term factors?
- Why might new media and the internet influence campaigning?
The lecture
Browse through the presentation from my BA-course in Media & Politics at Lillehammer College.
The literature:
- Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 5 & 8. 43p.
- Aardal, B., & Waldahl, R. (2004). Political cleavages in a media-driven environment. 27p. *
Watch relevant videos
Justin Lewis: Constructing Public Opinion
Jesper Strömbäck: Den medialiserade valrörelsen
Beppe Grillo and the Five Stars Political Movement
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- DeFrank, T. (2014, August 9). Five Days in August: What It Was Like to Report Watergate.
- Helmore, E. (2013, July 27). Anthony Weiner sext scandal reveals the almighty power of the internet. The Guardian.
- Keller, E. G. (2013, February 19). House of Cards Is a House of Cards. Foreign Policy.
- Tets, F. V. (2013, May 28). Political Idol. Foreign Policy.
- Chadwick, A. (2013). The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power. OUP USA.
- Dargis, M. (2010, February 11). Study of Berlusconi: TV Mogul, Prime Minister, Tabloid Star.
- Griziotti, G. (2011, September 30). Murdoch and Berlusconi: the fall of two media empires and the network multitudes.
- Lloyd, J., & Giugliano, F. (2013, April 8). Intimate fusion: media and political power in Silvio Berlusconi’s Italy.
- PEW Research Center - Enormous amounts of data on the media and elections
- Sam Graham Felsen: Barack Obama´s Online Strategy. A video presentation by one of the most central strategists in the Obama camapaigns.
- Conservative Super Pacs turn to social media and internet to expand reach
- US elections 2012: is Facebook 'the real presidential swing state'?
- Aaron David Miller (Foreign Policy): Why Obama Will Win
- David Corn: SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters. The article in Mother Jones which published the videos (they're all embedded in the article)
- Greene, A. (2012, October 18). Bruce Springsteen and Bill Clinton Rally for Obama.
Lutz, M. (2009). The Social Pulpit: Barack Obama’s Social Media Toolkit. Edelman, 6.
torsdag 4. september 2014
1.4. The audience
Goals of learning from this lesson:
The lecture
Fifth lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.
The Literature:
Relevant videos to watch
Stuart Hall - Representation & The Media. Go here for Part II | Part Three | Part Four
Michael Wesch: An anthropological introduction to YouTube
Cory Doctorow: Rethinking Property Rights in the Digital Age
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- What is "the propaganda thesis?
- How are opinion leaders siuated in the flow of information?
- How do you explain correlation between use of media and personal attitudes/behaviour?
- Why does the audience's reading of media texts sometimes deviate from the preferred reading?
- When is it reasonable to describe audiences as active, creative and productive?
The lecture
Fifth lecture in my BA Course on Media & Politics at at Lillehammer University College can be viewed below as a Prezi-presentation.
The Literature:
- Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chap. 5. 18p.
- Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 4. 24p.
Relevant videos to watch
Stuart Hall - Representation & The Media. Go here for Part II | Part Three | Part Four
Michael Wesch: An anthropological introduction to YouTube
Cory Doctorow: Rethinking Property Rights in the Digital Age
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- PBS Frontline. (n.d.). Digital Nation - Life On The Virtual Frontier.
- Vinik, D. (2014, June 10). Does Fox News Cause Ignorance, or Do Ignorant Viewers Prefer Fox News? The New Republic.
- Barker, M., & Mathijs, E. (2012). Researching World Audiences: the Experience of a Complex Methodology. Participations, 9(1).
- Bowman, S., & Willis, C. (2003). We media: How audiences are shaping the future of news and information.
- Carpentier, N., & Dahlgren, P. (2011). Interrogating audiences: Theoretical horizons of participation. Communication Management Quarterly, 6(21).
- D’Addario, D. (2013, March 19). Ten years of Iraq War films: Why audiences shunned movies about Mideast.
- Drotner, K. (2004). Disney Dilemmas. Audience Negotiations of Media Globalization. Nordicom Review, (1-2).
- Hermes, J. (2009). Audience Studies 2.0. On the theory, politics and method of qualitative audience research. Interactions: Studies in Communication &# 38; Culture, 1(1), 111–127.
- Kamerer, D. (2013). Estimating online audiences: Understanding the limitations of competitive intelligence services. First Monday, 18(5).
- Kyriakidou, M. (2014). Distant Suffering in Audience Memory: The Moral Hierarchy of Remembering. International Journal of Communication, 8(0), 21.
- Livingstone, S. (2003). The changing nature of audiences: From the mass audience to the interactive media user. A Companion to Media Studies, 337–359.
- Metykova, M. (2008). Drifting apart? European journalists and their audiences. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 5(2), 42–59.
- Prior, K. S. (2013, October 18). The New, Old Way to Tell Stories: With Input From the Audience.
- TNS Gallup - Medier - Reports and statistics about Norwegian media use.
- Statistisk Sentralbyrå: Norsk Mediebarometer - More general trends and over longer time periods.
- International Telecommunications Union - Lots of data and info from the relevant IGO..
- UNESCO - Communication and information - The UN organization.
- The World Bank - Global information and communication
tirsdag 2. september 2014
1.3. Witnessing and Memory
Goals of learning
The lecture
Browse through the lecture presentation below.
The literature
Watch relevant videos
Israeli Soldiers Talk Openly On Operation Cast Lead
Janine di Giovanni: What I saw in the war
Tiananmen's Legacy of State-Sponsored Amnesia
Watch more on the YouTube playlist
Useful links
- What is gatekeeping and agenda setting?
- How are the media making us all witnesses?
- How do you explain that war is fought thgrough the memory of warfare?
- Why may journalism be a demanding - or even dangerous - profession?
- When can we say a story or event fullfills the shared news values necessary to get coverage?
The lecture
Browse through the lecture presentation below.
The literature
- Hodkinson, P. (2011). Media, culture and society. Chap. 7. 23p.
- Hoskins, A., & O’Loughlin, B. (2010). War and media. Chap. 4 & 6. 41 p.
- Oates, S. (2008). Introduction to media and politics. Chap. 3. 15p.
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Useful links
- Beaumont, P. (2014, June 8). Stories from an occupation: the Israelis who broke silence. The Guardian.
- Bleasdale, M. (2013). The Power of Photography to Witness.
- Blumenthal, R. (2013a, September 4). A Veteran Reporter Reflects on a Distant War.
- Blumenthal, R. (2013b, September 4). Images of the Vietnam War That Defined an Era. The New York Times.
- Breaking the Silence : Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories.
- Brown, L. (2014, February 14). Photojournalism in the Palestinian Territories.
- Caryl, C. (2013, September 5). Just Show It. Foreign Policy.
- Elstein, D. (2014, April 3). The BBC’s Great War.
- Friedersdorf, C. (2013, September 3). The Press and the Syria Debate: Neither Neutral Nor Balanced.
- Hansen, A. (2014, July 19). Med Israel for fred: - Mads Gilbert lyver om Israel Gilbert: - Utrolig tynt skvip.
- Kalbakk, P. A., Beverfjord, A., & Berge, K. M. (2014, August 27). Ingen ubalanse i NRKs Gaza-dekning. Aftenposten.
- Klepke, A., & Olsson, K. (n.d.). On the frontline: citizen journalism in Syria.
- Krauss, C. (1992, January 12). Congressman Says Girl Was Credible.
- Mohan, A. V. (2013, September 16). Journalism in Syria is fast becoming a one-way ticket to death.
- New York Times. (1992, January 15). Deception on Capitol Hill.
- Wang, Z. (2014, March 11). “Missing Histories”: History Education and China-Japan Relations.
- Washington Post. (n.d.). The Pentagon Papers.
- Basu, T. (2014, August 15). The Fading Memory of South Asia’s Partition.
- Elstein, D. (2014, May 3). The BBC’s Great War: a response by David Elstein.
- Frum, D. (2014, August 2). Photographs as Weapons of War in the Middle East.
- Ghafar, A. A. (2013, August 7). Egypt’s framing wars of June 30th.
- Grann, D. (2014, August 29). The Heartbreaking Stories That Filled My Notebook After 9/11. The New Republic.
- Keck, Z. (2014a, August 23). Resolving Asia’s History Wars Once and for All.
- Keck, Z. (2014b, August 30). The Great Myth: World War I Was No Accident.
- Koike, Y. (2014, August 28). Ending East Asia’s History Wars.
- Lu, R. (2014, August 12). A Controversial New TV Series Awakens China’s Historical Ghosts. Foreign Policy.
- Panda, A. (2014, August 28). Shinzo Abe Sent Note to Ceremony Honoring War Criminals.
- Sa’di, A. H., & Abu-Lughod, L. (2007). Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory. Columbia University Press.
- Solomon, B. (2014, July 27). A Sad, Pointless War.
- Tharoor, S. (2014, August 19). The Great War’s Forgotten Soldiers.
- Thomas, S. (2014, August 24). Collective memory, collective trauma, collective hatred.
- Zand, B. (2014, June 6). How China Is Erasing Memories of Tianenmen. Spiegel Online.
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